
Home-Based Gaming Position

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We are a company that operates a website selling online game currency.

This post is about the above posted position of Procurement / Customer Service (Home-Based). You can complete your work at the comfort of your own home.

Job Scope

This position involves a 6-day work week, 6 months contract, excluding incentives.

Applicants should:

- Possess knowledge of MMORPGs like MapleStory, Granado Espada
- Be dedicated, honest and professional in their field of work
- Possess a computer fast enough to run latest MMORPGs. (Windows XP users only)
- Have basic understanding of PayPal
- Able to multi-task and be quick at handling multiple customers
- Able to take stress busy periods

Hours: 8am-4pm (Negotiable, may be subject to change via mutual agreement)

An average grasp of Chinese (6/10) in both typed and read is expected

Pay: S$1100/month basic excluding incentives

Do visit Singapore Jobs & Career for more jobs listings!

Looking for a job? Post your contact details here for potential employers to contact you directly!

Please email to admin@gosumall.com

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